If you have never worked as a cheap escort in London or elsewhere, you may be wondering what it is like. I have been working for cheap Woodford Green escorts here in London for about eight years now. During that time I have had some good experiences and some negative ones. Overall I think that working for a top class escort agency such as Woodford Green escorts is a good option for many girls. As we all know, finding a job in London which pays well is not always easy.
A lot of girls who sign up with us here at Woodford Green escorts think that they are going to make a fortune right away. Not only that, but they think they are going to become elite escorts within a couple of months. The escort industry simply does not work that way. Most of the girls who work for Woodford Green escorts services have had to work very hard to become elite escorts, as well as from other escort agencies like Whitechapel escorts, Beckton escorts, Bethnal Green escorts, Canning Town escorts, Leytonstone escorts, Mile End escorts, Dalston escorts, Cambridge Heath escorts.
Getting into escorting with Woodford Green escorts is not easy. Escorting is not exactly one of those careers that you can train for when it all comes down to it. You will often find that many girls who get involved with escorting have had other careers in the adult industry in London before they became cheap escorts. A couple of the girls at Woodford Green escorts have worked as strippers in London’s Soho before they joined Woodford Green escorts. I think that a couple of them knew girls who worked for this escort agency before they joined, and that is how they became involved.
We even have a couple of girls working for our escort agency who used to work as porn stars in Los Angeles. You would have thought that they would have stayed in Los Angeles. However, it turns out that the porn industry in the UK and abroad is not as lucrative as you may have first thought. It can be difficult to make money as a porn star. Most of the girls I know who have tried to make it big in the industry have failed and ended up going more or less bankrupt in the process. That is not really want you want, is it?
Before I worked for cheap Woodford Green escorts I had various careers. I worked as a topless bar girl and after that, I worked as a hostess. The problem with both jobs is that the hours are very long. At least I know with Woodford Green escorts, I am going to be able to start my shift in the afternoon and finish around midnight. The pay is great, and so far, I have done well. You have to build a career and make sure that you create a lot of dating opportunities. Above all, it is important not to become jealous of colleagues.
I date a lot of businessmen at the escort agency in Woodford Green. That can be rather exciting as they may ask you to travel with them to exciting places around the world. Last year I even got a chance to go to New York and I loved it. Apart from New York, I also travelled to Berling, Paris and Milan. One gentleman, I date a lot at Woodford Green escorts loves to take me on holiday with him. We have been to the Caribbean together and even done a couple of cruises. Yes, life as an escort can be fun, but you need to plan for your future. Not all girls at Woodford Green escorts are keen to stay on and become mature escorts in London.
If you would like to become a companion, I think it is important to have a career plan. Most girls who present themselves as cheap sluts don’t make particular good companions. I have met girls who dress like real tarts. If you try to be a little bit more stylish and mature instead you are much more likely to attract top dates. That is when you are going to enjoy your career much more. Top and classy companions are far and few in between. In general they are the girls who really like to make something out of their careers and invest in what they do. Just like many of the top Woodford Green escorts have done.